Who is this woman that will purposely get pregnant and have eight more kids on top of the six that she already has? Not only that, she is unemployed, lives with her parents and is unmarried. Nadya Suleman is that woman. We have been forced to hear about this for a couple of months now. Normally, when you have a multiple birth of this magnitude there is media coverage maybe for a couple of days. Why? Because it was something unexpected and they are a normal family that are parents of a whole bunch of kids at the same time. They get some community support and help. Then we hear nothing else about them.
In this case it was going the same way until some news reporters came upon some news that this woman is not married, oh and she already has six kids at home with her parents. What you say the home is about to be forclosed on. Come again she got pregnant on purpose. You have got to be kidding me, she's on disability too. I don't think she can give a clear cut explanation that would make since to why she even thought bring eight babies into this world would be a good idea.
Here is my theory, I think she wanted some money. She wants to sell her story about giving birth to eight babies at the same time. She wants somebody to donate to her and her family a house, van that would transport fourteen rugrats, money to help support this family, and clothes. The reason why I think that is because she is now trying to sell the supposed video of her giving birth to the octoplets. I wonder who is going to give the million bucks she is asking for.
Well, my opinion on this chick is I think we should just let her live her life alone...it's none of our business nor is it our problem. I think we should stop giving this lady converage thats why I'm finish talking about her right now and no more will I talk about it.
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